Mae’r Ganolfan wedi ei lleoli ar safle Ysgol Gymuned Moelfre.

Bydd disgyblion y ganolfan yn rhannu cyfleusterau’r ysgol yn unig, mae'r ganolfan yn hollol annibynnol.

  • Cludir disgyblion i’r Ganolfan mewn tacsi wedi ei drefnu gan Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn.

  • Mae’r gymhareb staffio yn hael o 2 athro/athrawes ar gyfer 16 o blant.

  • Gall disgyblion rhwng 7 -11 oed fynychu’r ganolfan am dymor.

  • Mae disgyblion yn dilyn cwrs wedi’i strwythuro’n ofalus â’r mwyafrif yn dod yn rhugl ar lafar yn ogystal â meithrin sgiliau darllen ac ysgrifennu.

Eich cwestiynau Atebion i gwestiynau


The Centre is situated in Ysgol Gymuned Moelfre.

The pupils share the school facilities only, the centre is self-sufficient.

  • The pupils are transported to the Centre by taxi organised by the County Council.

  • The Staffing ratio is very generous—two teachers to 16 children.

  • Children aged between 7—11 years old may attend the Centre for a term.

  • Pupils follow a structured course and most pupils will develop oral fluency as well as acquiring writing and reading skills.

your questions Frequently asked questions


Athrawon / teachers

Mrs Nesta Davies
(Athrawes Mewn Gofal o’r Canolfannau / Teacher in charge of the Centres)
Mrs Eira Owen
(Athrawes / Teacher)
Mrs Delyth Gwyn
(Athrawes / Teacher)

CYFEIRIAD / address

Canolfan Iaith Moelfre,
Ysgol Gynradd Moelfre
LL72 8NA


9.00y.b - 3.10 y.h