Your questions


How does it work?

Children aged between 7—11 years old may attend the Centre for a term. Pupils follow a structured course and develop oral fluency as well as acquiring writing and reading skills.


What are the benefits?

  • Research and experience from many countries show that immersion teaching of second language is most effective.

  • The Staffing ratio is very generous, two teachers to 16 children.

  • Good resources combined with the atmosphere created mean that the experience offered are second to none.

  • Teachers at the Centre are experienced and acknowledged specialists in their field.


What the children say?

  • I’ll be able to speak Welsh very well in school.

  • I am able to write stories.

  • I love singing and rapping.

  • Working on the iPad is brilliant.

  • I go to football practice, the trainer speaks Welsh to me and I understand!


What the parents say?

My daughter was very apprehensive about starting but only days later she was waiting by the door for her taxi. She couldn’t wait to get there, she enjoyed it so much.

The Centre goes a long way to allowing these children to become actual members in their villages and schools.

My son feels more confident now, and more a part of his school rather than being the odd one out.

I would recommend any young latecomer to attend. It gives them confidence. They find the Language Centre a great help to be able to speak, read and write. All my children have attended and really enjoyed the experience and their time in the Centre."


How do you deal with the Curriculum as a whole?

The emphasis is on learning to speak, read and write Welsh. However, mathematical language is introduced in Welsh during the term. Children also develop their language skills in Technology, Science and Environmental Studies.


How long will they be at the Centre?

The application for a placement is made by the home school and the admission is on a full time termly basis.


What do you expect the child to achieve in one term?

With a positive attitude, every child can develop enough command of the language to integrate fully into the work and life of the school and community.


Do the children have school dinners?

School dinners are available on site. School dinner will be catered for by Chartwells.


What can we do to help?

  • Be positive and supportive.

  • Encourage your child to speak Welsh with neighbours and friends.


How will my child travel to the Centre?

The Education Authority will provide transport free of charge, from the home, using school transport contractors.